Friday, May 29, 2009

Female Dog with Udders

Bitch is a widely used term with many meanings associated to it- slut, enemy, female dog, unfortunate event. It’s a term used for different purposes- for thick-faced people, people you hate, people you love, people kidding around, for expressing feelings. It’s got different versions too! Bitch, betch, bee-yotch, biyatch, or female dog with udders.

I encounter betches on a daily basis (you decide which definition applies), and I feel I have taken them for granted. I believe it’s time I acknowledge my interactions with them.

Let me tell you about the first bitch I met on the fourth day of classes. Let’s call her Betch A. I heard first hand how desperate she was on watching the Philippine Fashion Week. Here’s what she said:

“I’ve been emailing designers for invites since 2007 in preparation for my attendance in 2009, but they kept rejecting me! I even knocked on Arnold Galang’s door to ask if I can buy my way in, but he just said, ‘You need a makeover.’ Then I went to my favorite retail store, Get Laud, to inquire on how I can get tickets to their show, but they said they weren’t even participating. I can't understand why they had to pretend; I'd understand if they had no more invites to give out. They won't keep me from watching!”

See how desperate she is? And a fashion faux pas (not by wardrobe, but by her words) at that!

Now, my best friend has finally reached a dream of hers. For a year now, she’s been working around hot models (dream) she can’t date (not dream-because it’s work).She sent me a message on my phone telling me she had four sets of tickets for all the shows that same night, and nosy little Betch A was right behind me reading the message as well. I could feel her hot, polluted, exhaled carbon dioxide over my shoulder. It felt like a bull with smoke coming out of its nostrils. She then gives me the oh-my-gosh expression, explicitly showing me that she’s the one to take. She even asks me if Get Laud was showcasing their collection that night. The moment she said that, I knew Betch A was out of the question.