Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Watchmen by Alan Moore- the first graphic novel I ever read. I have no idea how to express how much I love it. I bought the book without much knowledge on what it was all about, and this made my experience oh so thrilling.

I first gave this as a gift when I realized I wanted one for myself as well. I don't mind spending big bucks on books I read for leisure, so I decided to get my own copy instead of borrowing. It is my first, after all. I ended up buying on eBay bacause I was looking for the cover art with the blood-stained smiley but by the time I wanted it, all the bookstores only had the international edition. This was the time when the movie was already out.

A few things first:
-The version now is actually a compilation of 12 separate issues that came out back in the 80's
-It's the only graphic novel to be included in Time Magazine's 100 Best Novels

Watchmen is a book that presents an alternate reality of the world. The story revolves around the lives of vigilantes in the 1980's. Although the characters may be considered superheroes, the story is very much in touch with realism. It makes you think how life would be with vigilantes around.

This book is a masterpiece. With comics, most people just go about reading just the thought bubble/ cloud and looks over the scene in the box. Not for Watchmen. This comic has very beautiful illustrations, from the rich colors, intricate drawings down to the details. It takes me more than just a second or two to look at the grid contents, because even the background has its own life. There is even another story within it, where a pirate comic -Tales of the Black Freighter- is repeatedly presented, remarking on some of the events in the novel itself. It is also filled with so much clues and recurring symbols. There are times when I have to go back to one page just to see how interconnected they are, clues you wouldn't even notice at first. What is amazing is that even with so much details, the reader does not lose the focus of the story.

There's a lot to pick up from this novel; there are pretty cool ideas and even bit of philosophy in it.

On the back cover of the book, it is stated:
"This is the book that changed an industry and challenged a medium. If you've never read a graphic novel, start with WATCHMEN. And even if you have, it's time to read it again."

I agree with all my heart. This introduced me to the world of graphic novels. It is a piece of art that will definitely make me read another.

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